Sunday, August 26, 2007


Welcome to the blog of Monsieur le Prof d'Anglais (Henceforth to be known as MPA). A language teacher by trade, I emigrated to France a couple of years ago and taught English in universities. I could have started blogging then, but there are so many "EFL teacher finds foreign ways so amusing" blogs already that I couldn't really see the point in another.

I bit the bullet and sat the dreaded Capes test last summer, and, much to my surprise, passed first time. Since I already have a valid teaching qualification (a PGCE if you're interested), I don't need to go to teacher training college in France; I'm going to do what they call a stage en situation to become fully qualified in this country, which is basically a full time work placement in a secondary school. An excuse to blog! Yaay!

The one thing I don't want to end up doing here is moaning about France. I'm actually pretty happy here, and Madame le Prof d'Anglais (MmePA for short) isn't the only reason. There's cheese too, not to mention trains that don't cost an arm and a leg.

Anyway, I have one week to go before the start of term, and I'm still waiting to be told where I'm going to be teaching. Everyone I know tells me this is perfectly normal and not to worry. It could be anywhere in my local academie (administrative area for education purposes), which takes in everything from concrete jungles to leafy suburbs. Ho hum.

More news as it happens, and thanks for reading.


The TEFL Tradesman said...

Welcome - you ARE welcome!! We hope to find a veritable repository of wit and insight here. Can you possible keep us satisfied?

The TEFL Tradesman said...

PS: shouldn't you be calling this the 'Blog de Blanc'?

Anonymous said...

Bonjour my french chum et merci pour le link de Chateau Thistletwat.

Good to have you here at last. Have you told les parents of le blog or is le blog un secret? May I link?

If I was going to be really pretentious (as if thoughts du jour wasn't pretentious enough) I was going to call mine La blague des blogs.

Oh dear Mademoiselle Thistletwat has woken up, isn't life great when you're 2 months old and have 2 adoring servants hanging on your every shriek.

Bonne journee!

M. le Prof d'Anglais said...

Hey, my first poster! I'll do what I can to provide satisfaction...
As for "Blog de Blanc", or even "Blog de rire en blanc", I figured MPA made more sense. M. Blanc has built up a reputation for pontification elsewhere on the web.

M. le Prof d'Anglais said...

Hey Mrs T! Le blog n'est pas secret so feel free to put up a lien.

Anonymous said...

Aha! This would imply that MPA has a subversive alter ego. We like subversive alter egos.

(Bet you can't find mine).

Anonymous said...

You might wish to link to your brother's blog at, although he's done nothing with it in a dog's age.

Colin Cleavage said...

Hey, just give me a chance to remove the porn first!

Anonymous said...

What porn? Did I miss something?

M. le Prof d'Anglais said...

Nice to see you again Colin!